Selected Prose (BlazeVOX Books, 2012)
Fifteen Poems (Belladonna Collaborative, 2012)
Absolutely Eden (United Artists Books, 2008)
Bijoux (Farfalla Press, 2006)
Sensible Plainness (Bijou Books, 1995)
Bitter Sweet (Bijou Books, 1995)
Fragrant Trappings (Bijou Books, 1995)
Some Small Poems (Rodent Press, 1994)
The Sanguine Breast of Margaret (North and South Press, 1992)
My Own Alphabet (Coffee House Press, 1989)
One Small Saga (Coffee House Press, 1985)
A Sense of Humor (Toothpaste Press, 1983)
Almost Everything (Coach House Press, 1982)
En Route (Little Dinosaur, 1982)
Trammel: Thought, Question, Treasure (Island, Canada, 1982)
Frenchy And Cuban Pete (Tombouctou, 1977)
Back To Texas (Bear Hug Books, 1977)
Fifteen Poems (Arif Press, 1974)
Own Your Body (Black Sparrow Press, 1973)
Anthologies & Journals
Gilcrease (Journal of the Gilcrease Museum, 2005)
Civil Disobediences: Poetics and Politics in Action, Edited by Anne Waldman and Lisa Birman (Coffee House Press, 2004)
Calling Home (Rutgers University Press, 1989)
Common Bonds (Southern Methodist University Press, 1989)
Pegasen fran Prarien (Swedish Translation, Hammarstrom & Aberg Bokforlag, 1983)
Volition / One (Vortex Editions, 1982)
New Blood (New Blood Press, 1981)
Inc. #2 Friends & Neighbors (Just Buffalo Press, INC., 1979)
New Directions 36 (New Directions, 1978)
Contemporary Women Poets (Merlin Press, 1977)
Ellery Queen’s Mystery Magazine, “The Man in the Middle” (1975) (Published under the pseudonym Maggie Magee)
Wonders (Rolling Stone Press / Summit Books, 1974)
Open Poetry (Simon and Schuster, 1973)
(more than 50 others)
Jaded Love, with Lee Christopher and Al Hermann Quartet (Bijou Books, 1998)
Live at The Great American Music Hall, Vinyl, CD, MP3 (Flying Fish Records, 1981)
The World Record (St. Mark’s Poetry Project, 1980)
Illustrations & Collages for Books
Blake’s Newton by Michael Palmer. Four interior drawings (Black Sparrow Press, 1972)
Front cover collage. (Cultural Affairs, 1968)
“Thoughts Have Wings,” Front and back cover collages. (Duende Press, 1964)
Art Exhibitions
Solo Exhibition of Collages, Naropa University (Boulder, CO, 2009)
Solo Exhibition, Gotham Book Mart (New York City, 1974)
Briarcombe Foundation Residency (1983)
National Endowment for the Arts (1979)
Life As We Know It, one-woman show (Boulder, CO and New York City, 2001, 2002) Reviews: Denver Post, Boulder Weekly
Ruth Draper monologue, Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art (Boulder, CO, late 1980s)
Talk, radio play (PBS, 1980)
Listen, radio play with Robert Creeley (Black Sparrow Press, 1971)
Readings & Performances
July 26, 2013: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Amy Catanzano, Laura Wright, Maureen Owen, Jack Collom, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 3, 2012: Boulder Bookstore, Boulder, CO
July 7, 2012: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Matvei Yankelevich, Jena Osman, Barbara Henning, Caroline Bergvall, Tracie Morris, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 9, 2011: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Margaret Randall, Hal Willner, Eileen Myles)
July 14, 2007: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Abigail Child, Bill Berkson, Eileen Myles, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Anne Waldman)
July 15, 2006: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Brian Evenson, Jack Collom, Junior Burke)
July 19, 2005: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Donald Preziosi, Marilyn Chin, Anselm Hollo, Samuel Delaney, Indira Ganesan, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 16, 2005: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Vincent Katz, Jena Osman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Charles Bernstein, Steven Taylor)
April 6, 2005: Naropa University, Boulder, CO, Robert Creeley Memorial Reading (Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Anselm Hollo, Steven Taylor, Jack Collom, Laird Hunt, Reed Bye)
June 29, 2004: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Heather Akerberg, Brenda Coultas, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, and Joanne Kyger)
February 14, 2004: Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Laird Hunt, Eleni Sikelianos, Reed Bye, Steven Taylor, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Bhanu Kapil)
October 3, 2003: Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Steven Taylor, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Maureen Owen, Andrew Schelling)
June 19, 2003: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bhanu Kapil, Laird Hunt, Renee Gladman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
June 15, 2003: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO “Take Love for Instance” (Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
October 14, 2002: Joe’s Pub, New York, NY, “Life as We Know It” One-Woman Show
July 2, 2002: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Anne Waldman, Lorenzo Thomas, Joan Retallack, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
June 30, 2002: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Roberto Tejado, Robing Blaser, Bobbie Loiuse Hawkins, Eileen Myles, and Akilah Oliver)
March 15, 2002: Left Hand Reading Series, Boulder, CO
June 30, 2001: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Roberto Tejada, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Eileen Myles, and Robin Blaser)
June 24, 2000: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Anselm Hollo, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
June 14, 2000: Boulder County Safehouse, Boulder, CO (Lee Christopher, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Max Regan, Thalia Field, Julie Kizershot, Eileen Myles, Hettie Jones, Janine Pommy Vega, and Anne Waldman)
June 13, 2000: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Hetty Jones, Janine Pommy-Vega)
June 8, 2000: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Janine Pommy Vega Vega, and Hettie Jones)
October 24, 1998: Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Steven Taylor, Lisa Jarnot, and Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 22, 1993: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Carl Rakosi. Introduction for Bobbie by Allen Ginsberg)
July 8, 1993: Summer Writing Program, Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkinds, Anselm Hollo, and Mark DuCharme)
March 7, 1991: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Fielding Dawson, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 27, 1990: Summer Writing Program, Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Steven Taylor, Jerome Rothenberg, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
1990: Writers and Books, Rochester, NY
1990: Just Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
1990: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1990: Passim, Harvard Square, Boston, MA
1990: St. Catherine’s College, Minneapolis, MN
1990: Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI
July 8, 1989: Summer Writing Program, Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Steven Taylor and Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
March 3, 1989: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Keith Abbott, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Vincent Katz)
October 19, 1988: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Jack Collom, and others)
September 1, 1988: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO
Jully 12, 1988: Summer Writing Program, Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO, Poetry & Monologue (Mei mei Berssenbrugge, Fielding Dawson, Bobbie Louise Hawkins)
July 13, 1987: Summer Writing Program, Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO (Allen Ginsberg, Anne Waldman, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, and Steven Taylor)
April 23, 1987: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO
1987: University of Colorado, Boulder, CO
1987: KUNY Radio Station, Boulder, CO
1987: Pennylane, Boulder, CO
1987: La Pena, Berkeley, CA
1987: McCabes, Santa Monica, CA
1987: Cody’s Bookstore, Berkeley, CA
1987: Sonoma State University, Sonoma, CA
1987: Kaspar Inn, Kaspar, CA
1987: Bolinas Community Center, Bolinas, CA
1987: The Dance Palace, Pt Reyes, CA
1987: Blake Street Hawkeyes, Berkeley, CA
1987: San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1987: Just Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
1986: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
1986: Community Center, Bolinas, CA
1986: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1986: Readers and Writers Bookstore, Rochester, NY
1986: Young’s, Toronto, Canada
1986: Just Buffalo, Buffalo, NY
1986: KJNY Radio Station, Buffalo, NY
1986: Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ
1986: The White Swan, London, England
1986: The National Poetry Society, London, England
1986: Etty’s, London, England
1986: London Musician’s Collective, London, England
1986: Bernard Stone’s, London, England
1986: Bolton Institute of Higher Education, Bolton, Lancaster, England
1986: Canterbury Festival, Canterbury, England
1986: Apples and Snakes, London, England
1986: University of Kent, England
1985: UC Sonoma, Sonoma, CA
1985: Casper Inn, Caspar, CA
1985: The Palms, Davis, CA
1985: Intersection, San Francisco, CA
1985: Bolinas Community Center, Bolinas, CA
1985: The Dance Palace, Pt. Reyes, CA
1985: McCabes, Santa Monica, CA
1985: Beyond Baroque, Los Angeles, CA
1985: San Diego State University, San Diego, CA
1985: UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA
1985: Old Time Cafe, Leucadia, CA
1985: Sushi Performance Gallery, San Diego, CA
1984: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA
1984: Cody’s Bookstore, Berkeley, CA
1984: St. Catherine’s College, St. Paul, MN
1984: Intersection, San Francisco, CA
1984: Black Oak Books, Berkeley, CA
1984: The Hawkeye Studio, Berkeley, CA
1983: Vancouver Folk Festival, Vancouver, Canada
1983: San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
1983: East Avenue Tavern, Portland, OR
1983: Beyond Baroque, Los Angeles, CA
1983: Michael Good’s Bookstore, San Anselmo, CA
1983: Caspar Inn, Caspar, CA
1983: Town Crier, Poughkeepsie, NY
1983: Drew University, Madison, NJ
1983: Folk City, New York, NY
1983: Godfrey Daniels, Bethlehem, NY
1983: Westchester State, Westchester, PA
1983: Market House Music Hall, Oswego, NY
1983: Jamestown Community College, Jamestown, NY
1983: Eisenhart Auditorium, Rochester, NY
1983: Tralfamador, Buffalo, NY
1983: Emma’s Bookstore, Buffalo, NY
1983: Cafe Lena, Saratoga Springs, NY
1983: Not At The Idler, Cambridge, MA
1983: Hunts, Burlington, VT
1983: Golem’s, Montreal, Canada
1983: Washington Ethical Society, Washington, D.C.
1983: Sarah Lawrence, Yonkers, NY
1983: Old Time Cafe, Leucadia, CA
1983: McCabe’s, Santa Monica, CA
1983: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1983: San Francisco State Poetry Center, San Francisco, CA
1983: Walker Art Gallery, Minneapolis, MN
1983: Woodland Pattern Book Center, Milwaukee, WI
1983: Mills College, Berkeley, CA
1982: Folk City, New York, NY
1982: Passim, Harvard Square, Boston, MA
1982: The Iron Horse, Northampton, NH
1982: Lena’s, Saratoga Springs, NY
1982: East Strasbourg University, Delaware Water Gap, NY
1982: Detroit Museum Lines, Detroit, MI
1982: Tralfamador, Buffalo, NY
1982: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1982: Charlotte’s Web, Rockford, IL
1982: Inn of the Beginning, Cotati, CA
1982: Great American Music Hall, San Francisco, CA
1982: East Vancouver Cultural Center, Vancouver, Canada
1982: University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1982: The Palms, Davis, CA
1982: Caspar Inn, Caspar, CA
1982: UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
1982: UC Sonoma, Sonoma, CA
1981: University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM
1981: Women’s Collective, Austin, TX
1981: Clarity’s, New Orleans, LA
1981: University of Kentuky, Lexington, KY
1981: McCabe’s, Santa Monica, CA
1981: UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA
1981: Vancouver Folk Festival, Vancouver, Canada
1980: Kleinhans Auditorium, Buffalo, NY
1980: Allentown Community Center, Allentown, NY
1980: Lena’s Saratoga Springs, NY
1980: Passim, Harvard Square, Boston, MA
1980: The Cellar Door, Washington, D.C.
1980: Bottom Line, New York, NY
1980: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1980: Women’s Center, Anchorage, AK
1980: British Columbia Institute of Technology, Vancouver, Canada
1980: Soft Rock Cafe, Vancouver, Canada
1980: Victoria Theater, Victoria, Canada
1980: Rainbow Tavern, Seattle, WA
1980: UC San Diego, La Jolla, CA
1980: Old Time Cafe, Leucadia, CA
1980: Continuum Theater, Los Angeles, CA
1980: Poetry Center, San Francisco, CA
1980: Intersection, San Francisco, CA
1980: Vancouver Folk Festival, Vancouver, Canada
1980: Great American Music Festival, Vancouver, Canada
1980: University of Nevada, Reno, NV
1980: Bisbee Poetry Festival, Bisbee, AZ
October 14, 1979: Alfred University, Alfred, NY
1979: Cellar Door, Washington, D.C.
1979: International House, Philadelphia, PA
1979: Village Meeting House, Battleboro, VT
1979: Passim, Harvard Square, Boston, MA
1979: Joseph Papps Public Theater, New York, NY
1979: Shuper House, Buffalo, NY
1979: CBC Radio, Toronto, Canada
1979: Mariposa, Toronto, Canada
1979: The Ark, Ann Arbor, MI
1979: Persimmon Productions, St. Paul, MN
1979: Intersection, San Francisco, CA
1979: UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA
1979: St. Mark’s Poetry Project, New York, NY
1979: One World Poetry Festival, Amsterdam, Holland
1979: S. Press, Dusseldorf, Germany
1979: Gallery Verlag Gunter Ohnemus, Munich, Germany
1979: La Jolla Jazz Festival, La Jolla, California
1979: Plowshare Bookstore, Palo Alto, CA
1979: San Francisco Art Institute, San Francisco, CA
August 4, 1978: Naropa Institute, Boulder, CO, Visiting Poetics Academy
1978: Passim, Harvard Square, Boston, MA
1978: New England Collage, Henniker, NH
1978: Chelsea House, Brattleboro, VT
1978: University of New York, Nassau, NY
1978: University of Ohio, Toledo, OH
1978: Barat College, Lake Forest, IL
1978: QuietKnight, Chicago, IL
1978: Bread and Roses, Greek Theatre, Berkeley, CA
1978: Poetry Center, San Francisco, CA
1978: La Pena, Berkeley, CA
August 4, 1976: Naropa University, Boulder, CO (Bobbie Louise Hawkins and Philip Whalen)
October 17, 1975: Buffalo, NY
June 29, 1971: Intersection, San Francisco, CA (Bobbie Creeley and Joanne Kyger)