Readings: Audio Recordings
First half of a benefit for the Boulder County Safehouse, a shelter for battered women. Female poets read their own work, and the work of other women poets. Full reading included: Lee Christopher, Bobbie Louise Hawkins, Max Regan, Thalia Field, Julie Kizershot, Eileen Myles, Hettie Jones, Janine Pommy Vega, and Anne Waldman.
Listen was first published in 1972 by Black Sparrow Press, in an edition containing monoprints by Bobbie Louise Hawkins. The recording was released on cassette by Black Sparrow in the same year. The play was first broadcast by Westdeutscher Rundfunk, West Germany, on December 1, 1971 in a translation by Klaus Reichert.
The quotation beginning at 15:56 and ending 16:48 (“Now if you are sitting opposite me . . .”) is from The Divided Self by R.D. Laing, Penguin, London 1965, p. 21.
The quotation beginning at 17:09 and ending at 17:19 (“The I . . .”) is from Notebooks 1914-1916 by Ludwig Wittgenstein, translated by Anscombe, Harper Torchbook, New York, 1969, p. 80.